

在我们战略规划过程的第一阶段,大学发展了 视觉元素 and 关键行为. To accomplish UNC’s vision for 2030, becoming a 西班牙裔服务机构 was 强调作为我们的关键组成部分 学生们首先 and 授权包容性 视觉元素.

In Phase 2 of UNC's strategic plan, our community continues this work through the 以下主要行动项目:

  • 关键行动1: Ensure the entire university is well prepared to serve and be successful in nurturing the growth of every student by meeting them where they are with services, tools, resources, engagement and opportunities that help them to thrive in exploring, expanding and 实现他们的抱负,充分发挥他们的潜力.
  • 关键行动3: Foster a community and culture wherein all students, faculty and staff feel welcome and included, safe and valued in order to nurture a vibrant and constructive environment 非常适合集体和个人的成功.



The 北科罗拉多大学 is a 学生们首先 university committed to serving Hispanic, Chicana/o/x, and Latina/o/x-identifying students, faculty, staff, alumni, 当地社区和我们的地区. 基于多样性、公平、 inclusion, justice, and belonging, we will develop and implement policies, structures, and culturally responsive pedagogy and practices to increase the educational and career 这些人群的成就,以及社会流动性. 通过成功 of being a federally designated HSI combined with the thoughtful and intentional effort of servingness by all members of the university community, we will contribute to the success of every student while making gains in closing educational equity gaps present 在我们大学. 此外,联合国军司令部将继续其长期的筹备传统 以及为科罗拉多州的文化和经济服务并丰富其文化和经济的毕业生领袖. 我们知道 that doing so will positively impact people's lives and the future of our state.


On our journey toward becoming Colorado's Next 西班牙裔服务机构, key partners 是来分享见解和庆祝机构成就的吗. 这些事件 were strategically recorded to highlight the efforts and to share the work with members 皇冠app官方版下载和科罗拉多社区无法参加的学生.


Dr. 吉娜·加西亚是研究西班牙裔服务机构(HSI)的著名学者 dedicated to advocating with and for HSIs in order to transform colleges and universities 为最多样化的学生群体提供服务. 周三,2022年3月23日. Garcia inspired our UNC community to think critically about how we can achieve equitable graduation rates while also providing a culturally enriching education experience.


10月星期二. 18、皇冠app官方版下载接待了博士. 首席教育公平官罗伯托·蒙托亚说 for the Colorado Department of Higher Education, for the conclusion of his statewide hsi之旅. 在活动期间,联合国军司令部领导强调了长期以来的努力 serve Hispanic/latine-identifying students and 庆祝d recent institutional accomplishments. Dr. 蒙托亚还借此机会发起了科罗拉多州全州范围的联盟 HSIs与Dr. 曼努埃尔·德尔·雷亚尔来自丹佛州立大学.



Cultivating practices centered on access, educational opportunity and social justice






After two years of focused planning, conversations with university constituents, and 员工和教师准备计划,博士. 托比亚斯Guzmán,部门的副总裁 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has developed the following outcomes for the 2022-2023 财政年度.


  • 任命一名教员和一名教职员为HSI研究员 to help with the implementation of HSI in academic and administrative communities 实习(8月). 1)
  • Develop programmatic initiatives that are coordinated across campus, aligned to the mission and servingness definition, and that reflect the Hispanic/latine culture (Sept. 1 — 正在进行的)
  • Increase campus and stakeholder communication and establish avenues for communicating objectives, plans, and tactics relevant to establishing an HSI institution (Sept. 20)
  • Use data from the 2022 HSI/DEI survey, other 2022 institutional survey instruments, and Education Advisory Board (EAB) reports to determine future actions and critical 恒生指数准备和准备的重点领域(10月. 1)
  • Articulate UNC's working definitions of HSI and servingness to ensure uniformity across campus and to offer a common point of reference for future, planning, action steps 和绩效评估(10月. 15)
  • Attend the HACU Conference and ask important campus constituents to participate in order to improve learning, networking, and professional ties within the HACU organization (10月. 15)
  • 形成一个校园范围 恒生指数督导委员会 to carry on the preliminary work of the introductory working group which was established 第一阶段研究结束,第二阶段研究结束. 31)
  • Identify particular campus units for culturally responsive professional development in order to increase and maintain the number of Hispanic/latine students, faculty 和皇冠app官方版下载的工作人员. 例子包括:皇冠app官方版下载、经济援助和学术事务 领导和其他人(10月22日. 31)


  • Work with University Advancement to design a strategy to increase development activities, alumni and community involvement, and multilingual institutional communication and 与实施恒生指数相关的市场营销工作(1月1日. 15)
  • Continue engaging campus community through programmatic initiatives that are coordinated and aligned to the mission and servingness definition, and that reflect the Hispanic/latine 文化(2月. 1 — 正在进行的)
  • Work with highlighted campus units to develop culturally responsive to increase strategies and tactics that maintain the number of Hispanic/latine students, faculty and staff 北卡大学(4月1日)
  • Gather current qualitative and quantitative data and construct a set of metrics and objectives as we prepare to apply for the Federal 西班牙裔服务机构 designation (4月15日)
  • 投资igate competitive HSI grant funding options with colleagues in the UNC Office 研究和赞助项目,以及大学教职员工. 利用 these efforts to clarify capacity-building requirements when applying for highly competitive 获指定恒生指数后的资助(5月1日)


“成为西班牙裔服务机构 is more than enrolling latine students. It is about ensuring that all of our students can thrive in their educational journey. This means addressing equity gaps and building capacity to truly serve and prepare 科罗拉多州新一代的领导者和专业人士.”

——乔纳森·阿尔坎塔尔博士.D.副教授兼拉美裔和拉丁裔主席 研究

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